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The Chau's- Winter Family Christmas Card

Christmas in July? How about August? The tricky thing about taking family photos for Christmas cards is I don't post on the blog about it till wayyyy after the Christmas season, just so there is no risk to ruining the client's posts and cards sent out. But in doing so, it often gets moved to the back burner, and then often not posted because it seems silly to post it so late.  Well no more. These photos deserve to be shared and we're just REALLY early to the next Christmas season.

The Neals- Family Summer Session

Alissa is the first client who has invited me over to her house after I delivered her family's pictures, to talk about where and what sizes and which pictures from the session they should hang in their house. Something about walking through her home and seeing where pictures of her family (that I took) would hang was extremely humbling and honoring. I know I take pictures for clients to print them off and cherish for years to come, but the actual process was amazing to me.

The Worralls- Golden Glow Family Maternity Session

We missed each other by ONE day last summer. ONE. day.  We moved from Blacksburg June 21, and they arrived June 22.... Can you tell this is still a devastation to my heart?

However, despite painful loss of doing daily life together we have kept close this year (thank you Instagram, Group Me, and Skype) and have even been able to reunite not just once but twice. They are some of our best friends: as a family, as wives & husbands, and as kids. Despite being in the last week she was allowed to travel (Hello baby Worrall #3!!), Erin & Bryan drove the 9 hours to Atlanta and we all enjoyed an incredibly sweet visit together!

Neal Family Session- Preview

The Neals were some of the first people we met when we moved here last summer and they have been some of the most authentic and honest people we know here. We converse easily and share our burdens openly with each other and our kiddos think their kids are some of the coolest. I was beyond excited when our calendars lined up and we scheduled a family session! I say this a lot but it is just so true of this session, I cannot wait to show you their whole session but in the mean time will leave this sweet preview!

Worrall Family Session- Preview

Some of our dearest friends came down from Blacksburg to visit us this month and it was such a wonderful time.  Erin and I texted back and forth all the way up to their arrival (i.e. "Tell me when you turn on such and such street because then you're 3 minutes away!") and it was truly a time I will cherish for years to come. Our whole family gets along well-  our oldest babes have been besties since utero, the younger kiddos are close enough in age and able to pair off a bit, our husbands play nicely together ;), and Erin and I can talk about anything under the sun and of course enjoy knitting together (she even brought my knitting mojo back!). This is also a cherished season for them as they expect their 3rd little girl soon in August! Erin is a gorgeous pregnant momma and I was so excited when she said she'd love to make a little family photo session happen. Enjoy their little preview- it was incredibly hard to pick just one photo for their preview!

The Kangs - Beautiful Rural Family Session

I literally had to call Esther on the way to the shoot to tell her to go to our 2nd location since light was fading fast and when we got out of our cars we could see the ominous clouds rolling in towards us. But Paul & Esther trusted me and didn't doubt our session for one second and as a photographer this is HUGE. Knowing your clients trust you and believe in your ability is crucial to being able to shoot your best. The Kang family is so genuine, so kind, so joyful and the laughs abounded with them as they just enjoyed their time as a family taking pictures!

Emily's Meadow Senior Session

This dear lady's high school graduation is here and I can't believe it! I haven't known Emily an incredibly long time but in the years I've gotten to know her I consider myself truly blessed. She is kind, generous, patient, funny, smart, and a fun person to be around. My kids adore her and we still grieve losing her as their babysitter.  She is the type of babysitter who brings pompoms (the craft kind not the cheer-leading ones) and rubber ducky toys, the one who reads with the kids on the couch and knows each child's favorite books.